Bunk Life

Learn about what it means to be part of a “bunk”.

Cabins in the Grove. Campers live in big wooden cabins surrounded by pine trees. These bunks have windows with screens, so they always have fresh air. Each bunk has its own bathrooms and sinks. The bunks don’t have power, but the girls have fun using flashlights in their bunks at night. There are two shower houses with 19 individual shower stalls and dressing rooms.

Bunk Friends. Girls stay in cabins with other girls who are the same age. They live together and support each other during their time at camp. The counselors help the girls with organizing their sleeping areas and taking care of their belongings. Additionally, counselors assist the girls in building friendships and navigating social situations, making sure everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience at camp.

Bunk Themes. Every bunk at camp has its own name, and each year, there is a fun theme that all the bunks follow. Past themes have been superheroes, candy pop stars, basketball teams, and animals. This means that all the bunks get a unique name related to the theme, a great way for campers to feel a sense of unity with their bunkmates.

Personal Space. Each girl at camp has her own bed and trunk. This personal space is where she keeps her belongings, creating a sense of ownership and comfort in the bunk. Having individual beds and trunks allows each camper to personalize her area and keep her things organized, contributing to a cozy and homely atmosphere within the cabin.

Bunk Inspection. Bunks compete to keep their living spaces clean through daily chores and inspections. At the end of the term, the cleanest bunk earns a special reward, fostering teamwork and a sense of accomplishment among the campers.

Rest Hour. Each day, the girls have rest hour. During this time, they stay in their bunks and can choose to write letters home, read a book, or take a nap. Rest hour is a quiet and peaceful time when everyone gets a chance to relax and recharge for the rest of the day.

MI Resources

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A Typical Day

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Packing List

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Camper FAQs

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Family FAQs

At Home in the Maine Woods

Nestled in the serene Maine woods, camp becomes more than just a temporary retreat for our campers; it becomes the girls' home away from home. The picturesque setting on the edge of a Sand Pond adds to the enchantment, providing a backdrop for countless adventures and memories.

Surrounded by nature, campers not only engage in exciting activities but also forge lifelong friendships in a close-knit community. The essence of camp in Denmark lies not just in its programs but in the deep connection to the beautiful Maine woods and the shared experiences that make it a cherished second home for every camper.

Every year, we look forward to welcoming our girls home.